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Photo by Adrian Infernus on Unsplash.jpg

1. Register for the writing retreat in the form below. Please review the Terms & Conditions.

2. Call the hotel to book your room. Please identify yourself as booking under the Writers' Retreat to receive the preferred guestroom rate.​

How to Register


1 (705) 789-2301

1 (800) 465-4171



By November 8: 
$875+ accommodation
After November 8:
$975+ accommodation
What Happens After I Register?
You will receive a welcome message with a link to our retreat questionnaire and a copy of the Terms and Conditions.

In December, we will send you a welcome package with the final schedule, directions to Hidden Valley, and how to access a private Facebook group only open to retreat participants. You will also be invited to a welcome session on Zoom, to be held the week before the retreat. This will be an opportunity to meet your fellow writers and ease any worries.


Register here for Rekindle Creativity: Women's Writing Retreat. We're looking forward to seeing you in 2024!

Thanks for registering.

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